Friday, March 22, 2019

FMA Unit 5.5 Interfacing of 8051 with 8255 for expanding of IO

Interfacing of 8051 with 8255 for expanding of I/O
·        The interfacing the external memory to 8051, port 0, port 2 are used as multiplexed address/data bus and higher order address bus.
·        If the circuit requires interrupt or I/O then port 1 is only available for this purpose.
·        Hence, in such situations it becomes essential to increase the I/O handling capacity.
·        The I/O expansion is possible twit the help of 8255 PPI.
·        The figure shows the expanded I/O ports using 8255. 
      The data bus is connected to port 1.

Que: Draw and explain with schematic diagram hardware interfacing of 8255 with 8051 microcontroller.

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