Monday, March 18, 2019

FMA Unit 5.1 Microcontroller development tools

Microcontroller development tools

·        Simulator is software which will execute the program and show the results exactly to the program running on the hardware.
·        It performs the functions of the microcontroller without using it.
·        It also performs a simulation of different peripheral that are used with the microcontroller in any application.
·        It provide help to user to find logical errors, in the program while simulating the program in the simulator, the user can change the program and re-simulate the code and get the expected result, before going to the hardware testing.
·        It shows all the internal register, entire memory and peripheral on the monitor.
·        The main function of the emulator is, it duplicates the functions of one system using a different system. So that the second system works as the first system.
·        This focus on particular reproduction of exterior behaviour that is different to other forms of computer simulation, which can concern an abstract model of the system being simulated.
·        The emulator is used to interact with the 8051 microcontroller. The essential part of the emulator is EEPROM which is switched by RAM. When the new data is written in the RAM, it replaces the previous data. So the changing and modification of the program is very simple and that would be online.
·        The emulator of the microcontroller will interact with a PC through the parallel port. The 8051 microcontroller will be interfaced with the RAM and it works as an EPROM for the microcontroller kit.
·        The registers of the 8051 microcontroller like SFRs, Accumulator, Ports, internal memory and buffer will be easy to get from the PC. For this, the serial port is used to communicate with the microcontroller

·        An assembler is a program that translates the assembly language mnemonics into the corresponding binary codes.
·        Operation
ü   The assembler first reads the source file of the program.
ü   Then it determines the displacement of data items, offsets of liable, etc. and puts this information in to a symbol table
ü   Then it produces the binary codes for each assembly language instruction and detects syntax errors if any. Then it inserts the offset calculated earlier.
·        An assembler generates two files:
ü   Object File: It contains the binary codes of the program instructions and the information about the addresses of instruction. The file is given extension .OBJ
ü   List File: It contains the assembly language statements, the binary codes for each instruction and the offset of each instruction. The file is given extension .LST
·        Compiler is a program that translates the high level language program into machine language program.
·        The program written in high level language is called as the source program and the program that is compiled on the machine is called as source code.
Cross Assembler
·        An assembler that runs on one type of computer and assembles the source code for a different target computer called as a cross assembler.
·        The special feature of the cross assembler is that it is not written in the same language that is used by the microcontroller that executes the machine code that is generated by assembler.
·        The cross assembler is usually written in a high level language like FORTREAN, C, PASCAL that makes it machine independent.

·        After developing and through testing, the application is to be burned on the microcontroller chip.
·        The burning is done on erased PROM. Erasing means all bits = 1s.
·        Then IC integrates the microcontroller PROM with RAM and other interfacing circuit to get a finished product.
·        The programmer allows selection of the device.
·        The programmer burn the code from hex file to record of the absolute object file for an application.

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